I am Kirk Sudduth

Full Stack Developer,Problem Solver,Universe Enthusiast

Name: Kirk Sudduth

Working Title: Full Stack Developer

Email: kirksudduth@gmail.com

Phone: (662) 231-3414

About me

Hello! I am a Full Stack Software Developer looking for my first opportunity!

Most of my working life has been spent punching the clock at restaurants. Specifically, Burger Up and Burger Up East Nashville. Restaurants are social places and I made some lasting relationships with regulars from my time there. The soft skills I have earned since I began working at restaurants are immeasurable. I thoroughly enjoyed my experience working at restaurants, but I felt the need to shift careers because software development is incredibly exciting and a tornado on March 3 destroyed BU East.

When I'm not wading through the murky water of opportunity disguised as obstacle, I'm really loving getting to spend all this extra time with my partner and our child!

Self-improvement is my daily pursuit.


Technologies I have utilized in projects during my time as a developer.


Well practiced in HTML syntax and using the language to create static web based applications.


Competent with CSS modularization and implementing appropriate styles and themes for applications.


Literate understanding of the object-based language and the practice of using it to build dynamic or vanilla JS applications.


Familiar with React hooks useEffect and useState to dynamically render components in applications.

Semantic UI React

Incorporated Semantic UI React library into my Front-End Capstone at NSS.


Capable of interacting with repositories and handling GitFlow from CLI.


Employ the use of Git on every project or exercise I work on or have ever worked on.


Built a command line program as well as a Python web application (with Django) during multiple group projects at NSS.


Used the django framework for authentication, conditional rendering (i.e. login-required decorator) and ORM concepts.


Things I have built.


Front End Capstone (NSS) July 2020


Back End Capstone (NSS) September 2020
Get in Touch

Any other questions I can answer for you? Here are my points of contact.

  • (662) 231-3414
  • kirksudduth@gmail.com